Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Constant Problem

When Monk NoDoz becomes Monk NoDoz, Zen becomes Zen.--Dogen-zenji

I admit it--Dogen-zenji never said that. But he said something like it. Put another way, when you are you, "you see things as they are, and you become one with your surroundings. There is your true self."

Zen Master Suzuki makes this point and also warns that when we start to wander about in some delusion which is something apart from ourselves, then our surroundings are not real anymore, and our minds are not real anymore. "Most people live in delusion, involved in their problem, trying to solve their problem."

We solve, or dissolve, our problems by constancy which is the power to accept things as they are whether they are agreeable or disagreeable. That is why we practice Zen. We must discover for ourselves how to accept our problems and how to work on them. Only in this way can we realize true freedom.

You are the Light.
Rely on yourself.
Do not depend on others.

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