Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Times They Are A Changing

It is probably true that most people dislike change.

However, what people are usually referring to when they say that they do not like change is that they do not like change for the worse. Rather than risking change that may have a negative impact on their lives, they resist change of any kind.

Unfortunately, in seeking safety in the "status quo," these people often sacrifice change for the better as well.

What's more, change is happening all the time and much of it is not in our control. Ultimately, it is how we respond to change that is going to determine our attitude toward life.

Most of us respond enthusiastically to positive change--a higher paying job, a new romantic partner, an improvement in our health, etc. It is the unpleasant changes in our lives that pose a challenge. 

Whether or not we heed the admonition to "do as a wise man should and prepare for ill and not for good," I have found the following suggestions helpful for navigating the turbulent waters of unexpected change:

  • Hope for a better future. Hope can steel the human spirit when faced with challenging circumstances. It is important to remember that all change is transitory and that, if you play your cards right, you will have statistics on your side that things will improve.
  • Play your cards right. If you are going to hope for a better future, it follows that it is vital that you make the right choices in your life. Sometimes the situation will call for action. Sometimes it may require you to hunker down and weather the storm.
  • Have an unshakable conviction in the ultimate meaning of life. It is easier to accept your fate if you intuitively know that there is an ultimate meaning to your existence.

One of the benefits of steering by these guidelines when you are faced with unwelcome change is that you will grow more confident in your ability to handle whatever challenges the future holds for you. You will learn to sense the possibilities in change--even in change for the worse.

In other words, to paraphrase the poet William Ernest Henley, you will be the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.

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