With the advent of electronic books, searching for a particular word or
phrase has never been easier. Perhaps more importantly, making a connection between words and phrases within a book may lead to new insights.
In Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, Shunryu Suzuki frequently refers to the true purpose of Zen practice. Although the underlying theme is the same, the many contexts in which the word appears allows us to view the approach to the awareness of this purpose from different angles.
And just as light that passes through a prism is refracted into a rainbow of colors, so too can the meaning of one word or phrase appear differently to the mind.
Therefore, I am undertaking a new project for my readers. I will present each instance of the word "purpose" in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind with a commentary intended to further elucidate what, after all, is the very foundation of the spiritual quest: the discovery of the ultimate meaning of our lives.
This purpose cannot be found in philosophy and only you can make the discovery. No one can tell you the true meaning of your life. In his talks, Suzuki encourages us to seek the answer in our daily lives through Zen practice.
Let us begin the journey, then, and see if we can gain new insight into the question of purpose.
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