Saturday, November 10, 2012

What Child Is This?

14-year-old Cassidy Goodson hid her pregnancy. Frightened and alone, with little or no support from her unaware family, Ms. Goodson gave birth in her bathroom and then immediately ended the life of her newborn because she "didn't know what to do with it."

The authorities have decided to try Ms. Goodson as an adult. State Attorney Jerry Hill justified his decision because he thinks that "the facts demand first-degree murder charges." As a result, Ms. Goodson faces life in prison.

Hear me. If this child goes to prison for life, an entire generation will be condemned. For unless the children of man rise up and denounce the cold and cruel logic of our justice system, not one among them will find happiness in their lifetime.

For narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it.--Matthew 7:14

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