Monday, June 6, 2011


"We should find out the meaning of our effort before we attain something."--Shunryu Suzuki

This attitude and understanding is very, very important. If we think the purpose of Zen is to attain enlightenment, we will lose our way. It is the effort that counts. The meaning lies in the effort.

Because we are usually attached to the result of our effort, we end up sacrificing ourselves now for some future attainment. As Zen Master Suzuki points out, we end up with nothing.

The purpose of Zen to to express our true nature on each moment. When we practice on this moment, we already have enlightenment even if we are not aware of it.

Which is more important: make a million dollars, or to enjoy your life in your effort, little by little, even though it is impossible to make that million; to be successful, or to find some meaning in your effort to be successful? If you do not know the answer, you will not even be able to practice zazen; if you do know, you will have found the true treasure of life.

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