Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Good News?

"I have good  news for you."

I can imagine Jesus Christ approaching the fishermen as they hauled in their catch for the day. The puzzled looks and the almost instinctive response, "What good news?"

"The Kingdom of Heaven has arrived. Come, follow Me."

These first disciples must have been amused at this stranger who was asking them to put aside their livelihood and follow Him. He perhaps had already started away. I can see the fishermen winking at each other. A madman.

They probably decided to entertain themselves for the evening after loading the fish in their baskets. One of them jokingly held up his walking stick as a scepter and encouraged the others to join in the procession.

Although they did not realize it at the time, these disciples were beginning a journey within that would free them from fear. And that was indeed good news.

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