Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Cultural Connection

What is the difference between imitation and emulation?

In The True Believer, Eric Hoffer writes that imitation "is often a shortcut to a solution. We copy when we lack the inclination, the ability or the time to work out an independent solution."

Emulation is the opposite of imitation. To emulate an admired individual is to use a superior example as an inspiration for discovering on one's own the answers to many of life's questions. The superior individual encourages us to tackle the problems we face in a unique and creative way.

Through emulation, it is not uncommon for the disciple to overtake the master, to lead the way, and to take his turn as an inspiration to others.

This form of mutual encouragement is the driving force of cultural creativity.

A Question of Morals

Moral degeneration is a downhill slide. Moral regeneration is an uphill battle.