Friday, December 22, 2017

A Grateful Realization

Enlightenment is the shocking realization that you actually exist.

Until you have this realization it is not possible to be truly grateful for only life can give thanks for life.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

An Unnatural Point of View

Man begins where nature ends; nature and man can never be friends.--Thomas Hardy

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Problematic Life

The best way to find happiness is to learn how to be unhappy. When you know how to be unhappy, you will be happy.

Your self-confidence will grow because you know how to deal with your problems. So when you know how to handle failure you will be successful.

Problems are actually your zendo.--Shunryu Suzuki

A Miserable State of Affairs

I do not want power over men's emotions. I do not want power over men's thoughts. I do not want power over the actions of men. I wan...