Tuesday, December 31, 2013


If you cannot understand the songs of birds you cannot understand Jazz.

A Compelling Case

We are often compelled by our desperation to do that which we would not do.

So Near, Yet So Far

It is a strange truth that God could not be closer to us and we could not be further away.


Shock is the result of a statistical anomaly that jolts us awake and reminds us that everything is due to chance.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Child Abuse

The same capitalistic social system that strives to safeguard children from physical harm does not hesitate to poison their minds with an incessant barrage of marketing and advertising.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I Would Love To Change the World

In truth, we cannot change the world. But we can change ourselves.

How strange, then, that most men are willing to suffer and die in an attempt to change the world rather than live with the responsibility of changing themselves!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Though it has no thought of keeping watch, it's not for naught that the scarecrow stands in the grain field.--Dogen

When we have no thought of good or evil we become aware of the true meaning of our lives.

Monday, December 2, 2013

No Bull

It is not the same thing to talk of bulls as to be in the bullring.--Spanish proverb

As Zen Master Suzuki makes clear in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, Zen is something to practice and not something to talk about.

A Miserable State of Affairs

I do not want power over men's emotions. I do not want power over men's thoughts. I do not want power over the actions of men. I wan...